State Rep. Tim Whelan reads “Good People Everywhere” to Latham students


As we continue to celebrate PWS Awareness Month, Latham Centers highlights special guests who have read to our students on Virtual Storytime.*

Guest Reader Tim Whelan: We were delighted to welcome State Representative Tim Whelan as a guest reader for our Virtual Storytime series earlier this month. Rep. Whelan read Good People Everywhere written by Lynea Gillen and illustrated by Kristina Swarner. The audience included students at our Brewster campus as well as Latham students, parents, and friends from around the country, all of whom were taken by the timely book which inspires children to be caring, grateful people who appreciate the gifts of community. We couldn’t think of a more perfect book for Rep. Whelan to share with our students and families; he has been inspiring us with his commitment to Cape Codders – and with his kindness – for decades. Latham Centers is especially fortunate to have a friend and champion in Rep. Whelan who cares deeply about the children and adults at Latham Centers and is always eager to offer his support and guidance when we need him.

After listening to the story, students had many questions for Rep. Whelan, including how he got into politics, and whether he has any pets. (It was a wonderful surprise when he brought his dog onto his lap for the children to see!) When one of our Latham School Student Council members raised her hand, Rep. Whelan asked her about her role on the Council. She explained their newest ‘Student Birthday Initiative’. Mr. Whelan said he was impressed to hear about Student Council’s determination in appealing to the supervisors and staff, and he gave all the students kudos for getting involved in issues that are important to them.

Thank you, Representative Whelan, for sharing your enthusiasm and encouragement with Latham Centers’ students, staff, families, and friends near and far! To learn more about Representative Whelan, visit

* Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, students at Latham Centers (and in their homes across the country) come together online for a fun surprise, a good book, and an interactive social hour. Each reader brings something special to Virtual Storytime. Whether they are a legislative or non-profit leader, a professional in the PWS community, or a weather forecaster, they have provided the gift of storytelling and delightful conversation. Throughout the month of May and beyond, we highlight our special guest readers and say THANK YOU.

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