A Successful Brewster in Bloom Weekend
May 11, 2016
It was a fun filled Brewster in Bloom weekend for the students, adult residents and staff of Latham Centers. While the weather certainly made us feel the age-old saying, “don’t rain on my parade,” the students and staff had smiles all weekend.
Beginning on Saturday students and adult residents sold home-made good at the Kid’s Fest Craft Fair. Patrons from near and far were truly impressed with the beautiful work ranging from tightly woven scarves, to bowls made out of recycled records, to All-Natural Goat’s Milk Soap. Everyone loved the potted plants this year as well! Proceeds from the Craft Fair will support two causes. First, monies will help fund art supplies for the students’ residential art programs. Secondly, in Student Council, Latham kiddos will vote on a worthy non-profit in which to donate the other 50% of funds raised.
While the rain persisted on Sunday, students and staff gathered on Underpass Road to present the town of Brewster with an amazing float. Latham’s slogan, “Where Flowers Bloom, so does Hope. Latham Centers is Bloomin’ in Brewster!” went well with this year’s theme, “Blooming in Brewster.” Students chanted, “Latham Latham, Latham Rock, Latham Latham, Latham Hawks,” “Happy Brewster in Bloom,” and “Happy Mother’s Day!”
Happy Mother’s Day to all you amazing Mom’s out there, and a huge thank you to EVERYONE who helped to support Latham Centers in this past weekend’s endeavor.